Free john the local bird man


/ #79

2014-05-28 20:12

I was in Durham City one night, with my boyfriend, when my 17-year-old friend got attacked by two fully grown men. Thankfully, the bus pulled up and my boyfriend and our other friend managed to get her onto the bus. My friend called the police and one of the men got apprehended. He was let out after spending three nights in local lock-up. No punishment came his way whatsoever. He was just let out.

22 years ago, a police man's son ran me over when I was 11 and tore my right leg, hip, and butt cheek from my body. It was settled out of court with me receiving £50,000, and him? Not a damn ha'penny's bit of punishment. I'm now on morphine because of my twisted spine, I can't sit straight, and need to lay down four times a day. He was 17 when he hit me, in a sports car, four days after his driving test.

I could provide example after example of true criminals getting off scot free, while their victims are left to suffer.

A lonely old man feeds some birds and gets six weeks in jail? This justice system in this country has gone bloody bonkers, and some of the judges seriously need their heads checking.