Mandatory Vaccinations to Enter the Alberta Public School System


/ #47

2014-05-07 21:20

In Victoria, Australia our children HAVE to be vaccinated to attend school. Our schedule is finished for school entry at 4 years old and then in Year 7 (12yo) boys and girls have their HPV (Gardasil) course of 3 vaccines and in year 10 (16yo) they have their final vaccine in the schedule of Boostrix (ADT & pertussus). We have great immunisation rates of well over 90% in most areas and you must have a letter from your GP for objection stating you have been counselled and are fully aware of the risks to your child of not vaccinating should you want to attend school without being fully vaccinated. Until recently primary care gives were given payment in Social Security when vaccination goals were reached with their child. Of course there are children who are home schooled and some may well be not vaccinated. All vaccinations are free in the schedule and also for catch up's for new residents. Good Luck with this petition