Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority


/ #71 Re: Think about it

2014-04-24 04:04

#69: caring - Think about it

It was condoned and yes he may be 16 but when you were 16 I'm sure you knew what sex was and maybe were even having sex. So to say that he was too immature to stand up for himself is wrong. 16 year olds know exactly what they are doing and when they are doing it, teenagers have the thought process to know what they are doing is wrong and can stop it. As others have said today "everyone makes mistakes" its not TJ's fault that the 16 year old lied to him about being older. Yes he should've looked into the person he was having relations with but he trusted this guy. Sex and/or relationships are not a one way street both parties are responsible for what is done. Both are victims. It was condoned meaning both parties agreed to what they were going to do.