Save Fairycroft House


/ #5 Carer of a young person who attends the ACCURO evening writes:

2014-04-12 14:36

I understand that the Croft is being listed as a community asset - though hard to understand how it could be seen as anything else! Our son goes to Youth Club there every week, and it has been a lifeline both to him and to me over the last seven years. As a learning disabled youngster he finds it hard to make friends, but like any other teenager wants to have fun, share interests, and enjoy the company of like-minded peers. The Accuro club provides all these things - it is absolutely unique in its 1:1 attention to the needs of disabled teens.The staff and volunteers at Accuro have given my son confidence, fun and self-esteem - qualities that one simply cannot put a price on in terms of making life worth living. I have also hugely appreciated the support those same caring staff have provided to parents like me, whose lives are often difficult and lonely.  ACCURO relies on the Fairycroft building for this wonderful provision. It would not be an exaggeration to say my son sees it as his "second home."