Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Steve McCarron

/ #825 Re: eu law

2011-07-15 13:05

#823: T.R - eu law

I agree Tony. I do not think that initiating deliberate unatural eco bias to artificially create an unsustainable enviroment is in the interests of any natural enviroment and the species therein. All this coupled to a so called green agenda.

Have a look at this lot! http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/about_us/ourpeople/executives/default.aspx

The wording of their brief is patronising to peoples intelligence.

"Guy joined Natural England as a founding member of Natural England’s Executive Board in June 2006. He is responsible for the standards, consistency and quality of our customer care, our partnerships and our internal and external communications. He is also responsible for the delivery of Natural England’s marine programme and our work to engage people in the natural environment and enhance access to it."

As If  people are not capable of engaging with nature without this pandering.