Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Steve McCarron

/ #780 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

2011-07-12 01:24

#778: - Re: Re: Re: Re:

To cattle and horses oak leaves and acorns are poisonous. Much more so for cattle, horses have less of a tendancy to eat oak leaves and acorns but deaths are not unknown. The only grazing animal that can tolerate both is a pig.

I'm sorry, I thought grazing was to be the principle tool of management. It is cleary stated in natural englands bible on the subject "Grazing and its place in nature conservation"

Not trampling and its place in nature conservation. Trampling cattle are recidevists anyway, well worn routes, favourite areas, you seem to think the are bovine strimmers.

Horse riding anywhere is safe if you are in control of your mount. Ask a horse rider.