Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Steve McCarron

/ #618 court again

2011-07-07 19:50

I'm not hiding the "Truth" as you call it. Did WCC provide the evidence of ownership, they have had plenty of time to find complete title


The judge, if you can call him that, chose to ignore this small ommission from process, which he felt was acceptable.

In a higher court, this would not be the same case.

We would have "Lost" if WCC could have shown good title and therfore the costs and fees might have been relevant. As it is we have already told the judge and the council, we do not have the slightest intention of paying these.

Do you really think that subsequent to such incompatence, we would regard ourselves as losers and the council winners?

We have only just begun and for us, yesterday was a victory.

On the 22nd of June we went to county hall and asked fiona morgan, legal representative, if we could see the title deeds. No she said, you are not entitled to see them. Wrong.
We told her this and then she said they were not at county hall. Wrong.
She then tried to claim that they were kept at the land registry. Wrong.
Three times she claimed she new exactly where they where. At the land registry. Wrong, if they had them, they would be at county hall.

In court, after all this time, they could still not produce the elusive paperwork.
The paperwork shown to the judge did not show title but when presented to him by WCC, he simply acceded that title had been shown when in fact it had not.