პეტიცია რაიან გრისტის დანიშვნასთან დაკავშირებით


/ #101

2014-02-17 23:27

ყურადღება! Внимание! Attention! Achtung! Uwaga! Dikkat!

ჩემი ქვეყანა დაპყრობილია! My Country is occupied!

- Russia is currently occupying 20% of Georgia's territory.
- Abkhazia is only 4.2 kilometers (2.63 miles) away from the place where Olympic games opening ceremony took place.
- Samachablo is Georgian territory that Russians refer to as South Osetia. It has been officially occupied by Russia since 2008.
- Russia is one out of five countries that has officially recognized the independence of Abkhazia and Samachablo. The other four are: Nicaragua, Venezuela, Nauru, and Tuvalu. All other countries of the world do not recognize Abkhazia and Samachablo as independent states.

