Hands Off Hartlebury Common


/ #355

2011-06-29 01:39

have used Hartlebury Common as it is 'common land' for over ten years to walk my dog (and yes, I do clear up the dog mess to those ' do do sprayers'!) and I now have MS which gives me limited mobility. I feel that the current council and its followers are vastly underestimating the damage to our local environment with the destruction of some beautiful trees on the site, which lets face it have only improved the experience of walking and habitation for birds and creatures on the common. By imposing 'cattle and their do do' on the site, I feel that they are infringing my human rights to walk the common unrestricted, safely and without having to have my dog on his lead, which due to my mobility problems I can no longer do! I hope that the cost of fencing this common land and keeping these cows pays for itself by putting back money into the public purse, afterall I expect our council tax has paid for this wretched project!