
/ #106

2014-01-12 09:30

Hare Hatch Sheeplands is a great asset to Twyford and a prime example of a LOCAL business focused on its community, I fully support this petition to save HHS. The local character of the business, the openness to small independent retailers, the job creation for young people, the continued support to varied charities, the excellent farm shop, all add a huge value that some of the large national retailers would do well to consider. I acknowledge the pressure on greenbelt land however the site was previously derelict, it wasn't rolling fields and hedges, and retains at heart its focus on nursery and countryside management - the excellent farm field opened last summer is a good example. I expect greenbelt pressure in any case to continue growing (all demographic trends point towards this) and would much prefer seeing the land retained for its present purpose than to disappear in a few years under developers' bulldozers for yet another soulless block of identical housing. While I have no evidence on this I do wonder if there is an underlying plan in this direction - with a future application pointing the nursery presence as the justification for further change of use. Whereas instead, with the strong support of the community as underlined by this petition, HHS can carry on and in fact thrive once the shadow of the WBC enforcement notice finally lifts.