Petition to intervene and resolve the ongoing power outage and energy service delivery issues in our areas

Petition to intervene and resolve the ongoing power outage and energy service delivery issues in our areas / Announcements / Information required from the MMC / Comments

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2019-02-18 11:33



2019-02-18 12:04

I would love to add weight to this petition and include my information onto same, but as you constantly leave my suburb, Tedstoneville Ext out and you once told me that I am NOT part of Lambton anything, I don't feel like I WANT to be part of this petition anymore, besides, since when does gov'ment give a damned about Joe Soap?!?! Ana Pinho (Tedstoneville Ext resident)



2019-02-18 18:19

Why should I pay for a service where there appears to be ongoing
problems i..e lack of maintenance.

My id 4808085051086 

My address 36 Wilson Street, Hazeldene, Germiston