Please give a legit explanation why team Thailand lost two points and does not allow substitutions s



2016-05-20 03:01

Ant9 japane



2016-05-20 03:01

Voted for a new competition



2016-05-20 03:01

Its so damnnnnnnn!!! #RIPJapan



2016-05-20 03:01

Fuck Japan



2016-05-20 03:02

What happened in math Thailand vs Japan?



2016-05-20 03:03




2016-05-20 03:03

There is no justic



2016-05-20 03:04

Not fair for Thailand.



2016-05-20 03:04

It is not fair.


2016-05-20 03:04

กรรมการ 1 ไม่ให้ชาเล้น  2 ไม่ให้เปลี่ยนตัว 3 แทบเล็ต ถูกตัดสัญญาน



2016-05-20 03:04

It's unfair for Thai player, Bring us back the justice



2016-05-20 03:05




2016-05-20 03:05

Clarification and accuracy volleyball team to Thailand



2016-05-20 03:05

Shame on FIVB



2016-05-20 03:05

It was not a fair match



2016-05-20 03:06

Defamed Japan



2016-05-20 03:06

How did you do that?, defrauded referee!



2016-05-20 03:06

Wrongdoing of referee by giving 2 unfair red cards to Thailand team during Japan vs Thailand match. The starting point was the problem with newly-introduced electronic system, touch screen tablet. Thai team found that the system was unstable when only Thai team pressed "Challenge", "Change" (substitution) buttons. Then, according to the rules, Thai team used traditional process. BUT many attempts were rejected by referee, Mr. Luis Gerardo Macias. Please see the game during 4th and 5th sets, there were clear errors that had evidence that referee and his asst. can clearly see (Jspan setter's body crossed the half court line for feets while ball in play. Thailand coach, Mr. Kiatipong Ratchatakriengkrai pushed "Challenge" button but no response. He and Captain Pluemjit Tinkaow then approached referee for explanation. BUT referee saw that as "time wasting" and gave 2 red cards to Thai team in late Set 5. Thai team led 9:3 in set 5 but Japan came back. Thai coach again pushed "Change" button for changing players, and again no response. He then used the traditional way but referee rejected the substitution request claiming the e-system difnt show the request on his screen. It was right for Thailand to approach referee to explain that the e-system was mslfunction. The penalties caused Thai players to lost concentration and poor morale while boosting confidence to Japan team. The last penalty point gave Japan the matchpoint. Thai team didnt fiercely protest or did tactical protest for time wasting. Just want to play fair game and protect the right against referee's wrong judgments. Why the system problem never happen to Japan team. We can suspect that there was a conspiracy or corruption there. Thai team deserves to win that game.



2016-05-20 03:06

Did it and turned to be matchpoint was unacceptable!



2016-05-20 03:06

Give me a reason. Why not neutral



2016-05-20 03:07

the referee take side to give the red card during the crucial point. He did not allow team Thai to substiute players and also excuse for no e-signal from the control desk of Japanese admin group.



2016-05-20 03:07

I love my volleyball team!!!



2016-05-20 03:07

I wanna see fair game.



2016-05-20 03:07

I also feel unfair decision by referee in this
Match and we hope that concerned organization should make it clear urgently.



2016-05-20 03:07

I want to know what's happening. At least they have to explain about the issues clearly and check on the system