PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down.



2015-12-11 10:19

For exactly the reasons in the description

#802 Re: Hypocrisy

2015-12-11 10:19



2015-12-11 10:19

Because I am drowning in poverty.



2015-12-11 10:20

sake of the future of our children



2015-12-11 10:22

Jy sit ni blomme bo op kak ni. He must step down he is a no good for this country



2015-12-11 10:23

Zuma is useless not worth it to be a pres he must get fired with his FM and other useless ministers
Zuma dont care about SA nor his people he is only interested in money useless gr3 student go back to school zuma to learn how count and he must step down to much empty promises look at our students at varsity are we a joke to u or what black people want everything for free ?!!!!!!!!!!



2015-12-11 10:23

What a question the man keeps on taking and taking and where do you think this will end really



2015-12-11 10:23

Jacob Zuma is destroying South Africa!



2015-12-11 10:24

This country cannot afford this clown and his cadres anymore



2015-12-11 10:24

Get over the 'whites started it all' crap really! That is backward thinking. We want Zuma to step down as he hasn't done a single good thing for SA since being president..this petition hasn't stated anything about apartheid. I don't care what race the president is as long as he/she runs the country properly! Ie: not spending millions on his house from our hard earned money and then wanting a bloody jet! When you don't have a job and no money to feed your family you may look at things a bit differently..start using common sense.



2015-12-11 10:25

A vote of no confidence is needed



2015-12-11 10:26

As an ex-South African now living in the UK I am appalled at how Mr Zuma has and continues to behave...his latest antics have made front page of the Financial Times today (THE financial publication with over 5 million subscribers worldwide!!)...

The world is watching South will you respond?!



2015-12-11 10:26

This beautiful Country is being run to the ground,racism in reverse.Zuma and his cronies don't care.We're the laughing stock of the world.



2015-12-11 10:26

It is time.....he ruined our country.
Had enough! !!



2015-12-11 10:27

I love my country more than any political party



2015-12-11 10:27

I'm sick and tired of us tax payers being used as that that's personal piggy bank. He's destroying the country and economy to enrich himself and a select few. I'm done funding his extravagant lifestyle



2015-12-11 10:27

Vote D.A. Next year!



2015-12-11 10:28

what an idiot he must go



2015-12-11 10:28

I agree 100% he must step down



2015-12-11 10:28

i'm a first time home buyer, with the economy in such a state. i'm worried about the increase In interest rates. when will we enjoy the freedom the class of 76 fought so hard for in blood and tear?



2015-12-11 10:30

We are suffering in limpopo because of ANC



2015-12-11 10:30

Because JZ is a criminal.



2015-12-11 10:30

This man is taking our beautiful country down the hill and we are tired of him.



2015-12-11 10:31

For the sake of my children and my precious grandchildren!



2015-12-11 10:31

Because I am sick of the current administration running this country into the ground and stealing from the public. Tired of them not giving a damn about the poor