Fish camp is a road.

Hello friends! I have started a Declaration to help prove that Fish Camp rd, in Hope, British Columbia is a well travelled, public road that passed through the Bell family homes for the past 22 yrs. We would like names of those who have driven at least to us .57km, or the entire length,  unobstructed by a gate or anything else from it's beginning until it reached where it meets Othello rd again. 

As you likely already know, our homes were built prior to any other home on our street and the road came out the (now gated) area that again met Othello road.

It would therefore be logical to state that our home was one of the destination points of this road. It is my own civic address. Government id address. It's on our Passports. Hydro bills. Internet. Cell phone bills. On our gps. Everything. The Ministry of Transportation says that it's not their jurisdiction and that it isn't a road that had public funds spent on it. It was plowed, graded and my garbage pickup was in my yard. Attached to my Facebook posts is a photo of the street sign that was there until 2023 and government mail sent two wks ago addressed to my address on Fish Camp. Gps tells me to take Fish Camp home to my yard.

We (11people total) are being removed from our homes. This is due to the flood that took a section of this road in British Columbia's major flooding event in November 2021, and it has unfortunately made us landlocked as a result.

If you have travelled Fish Camp road in its entirety. To, and or past our residences. Please sign. And let me know when you were up there.

I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for your support. 

With much gratitude -Tashawna E Bell

Tashawna Bell.    Contact the author of the petition

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