We the People Demand Action from the US Department of Justice: File on Planned Parenthood

  • In 2015, journalistic videos were released to the public showing Planned Parenthood abortionists admitting to selling fetal body parts for profit and augmenting procedures to obtain them.
  • In 2017, after further evidence was gathered by Congressional investigators, the DOJ announced they would take the case but have done nothing since.
  • Spring 2020, Center for Medical Progress released deposition footage of Planned Parenthood executives, abortionists, and other third party middle-men admitting under oath their role in trafficking fetal organs, illegally changing procedures, and in harvesting tissue from infants born alive. 
  • Oct 8, 2020 national leaders will go to DC and demand AG Barr take action and bring to justice the unethical abortion industry.  

It's been more than 5 YEARS since videos were released by David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress depicting top-level Planned Parenthood executives describing changing their techniques to get more intact fetal tissue and haggling over the amount of money they would receive for each human baby body part from abortion victims. All of which is ILLEGAL.

US Attorney General Bill Barr has been sitting on evidence of Planned Parenthood’s wrongdoing for far too long and is now advancing the work of suppressing pro-life activism, which Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris set out to do when she illegally seized CMP’s footage. In the meantime, the DOJ has instead prosecuted marginalized Native Americans for selling Eagle body parts. It’s time for the truth to see the light of day. Help us demand that Bill Barr close the DOJ’s investigation and file charges! 

The videos released by Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress have led two Congressional committees filing 14 criminal and regulatory referrals to various agencies and multiple criminal referrals to the DOJ. In 2017 the DOJ announced they would take the case and have done nothing since. In the spring of this year, the Center for Medical Progress released deposition footage of Planned Parenthood executives, abortionists, and other third party middle-men admitting under oath their role in trafficking fetal organs, illegally changing procedures, and in harvesting tissue from infants born alive. We also know from discovery findings that Planned Parenthood Mar Monte made $24k in just three months from baby body parts contracts. 

We will be in Washington DC, Thursday, Oct 8th, 2020 at the DOJ headquarters for a demonstration and procession to the White House and to deliver a letter and list of signatures to AG Bill Barr. Together, we can help David and the Center for Medical Progress finish the job they started, crush this murderous industry, and finally begin to build a more peaceful world.  

For court documents, news articles, and more sources on this story, visit the following pages:

Pro-Life San Francisco

Center for Medical Progress


Terrisa Bukovinac, Pro-Life San Francisco    Contact the author of the petition

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