Enshrine Steve Trotter on the Fort Lauderdale Beach Walk of Fame!!!

We the undersigned ask Mayor Dean Trantalis and the Fort Lauderdale Walk of Fame committee to approve the nomination for enshrinement on the Walk of our great friend and Fort Lauderdale Beach legend the late Steve Trotter.

Steve was much more than a friend, bartender or fun loving thrill seeker. He was by far the best known and most charismatic person to work "The Strip" and other nightclubs in the city during the heyday of Spring Break in the 1980s and 1990s when Fort Lauderdale was on the mind of millions of college students across North America and other countries.

Steve's penchance for attracting attention to our city by most notably going over Niagara Falls in a barrel in both 1985 and 1995 drew millions of people to watch Steve on the Tonight Show (pictured below) as well as Gordon Ramsey, NBC-TV in New York's Live at Five show and many other appearances on TV that can be found on You Tube. Steve never disparaged or disgraced Fort Lauderdale, instead he often promoted the city and the beach area to this wide audience and many visitors from near and far came to town just to meet him.

A documentary is in the works all about the life & times of Steven Thorne Trotter and it would be fitting if the capstone of the film would be for Dan Trotter to accept the honor on behalf of Steve next Memorial day weekend at the Beach Amphiheater. Let's make this HAPPEN !!!



Dan Santoro & Dan Trotter


Dan Santoro and Dan Trotter    Contact the author of the petition

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