Dutton Parking


Please sign my petition for improving the parking on Currie Road north of the 401 bridge in Dutton, Ontario.

The existing parking area is unsafe. It is too close to the 401 interchange and it isn't properly paved, it doesn't have proper lighting, no trash can and it can't be plowed out properly in the winter. Accidents have happened as a result of these conditions.

Other municipalities in the region have proper parking areas for car pooling and short term parking. West Lorne, Delaware and others have proper parking facilities convenient to the 401 and 402. Why shouldn't Dutton?

The local Municipality, Dutton-Dunwich, has been approached for this. They claim only the Provincial Ministry of Transportation can do this. The Ministry has also been approached. They say the existing parking is good enough. I say it isn't! Take a look at it sometime your in the area.

Add your voice to this issue. Sign the petition and pass it on to as many of your freinds and family as you can.


Thank You, Andy Ransom and Family.