Do NOT shut PornHub down!

We fight against shutting down the most popular pornographic website PornHub, because we firmly believe that shutting it down is not helpful enough in our fight against sexual crimes. On the other hand, we agree that PornHub’s way of functioning and its operating mode should be changed, but exclusively in order to detect sexual crimes. Anonymity of PornHub users should stay intact as much as possible.


PornHub is accused of promoting sexual crimes, namely: underage coercive sex, human trafficking, paedophilia and rape, because of the fact that that kind of content can be found precisely on PornHub, especially in its advertisements. That’s why TrafficHub started a petition which aim is to shut the page down. But we do not believe that shutting down PornHub is the ultimate solution. In contrary, we have few alternative propositions.


We are not justifying PornHub. We are not saying that its owners should not be held accountable for all of these crimes that are in fact accountable for by the law. We are not saying neither that PornHub is innocent, nor that it should be legally privileged and remain unpunished. We are only saying that shutting down the PornHub is not the right way to fight these sexual crimes.


If we manage to shut down PornHub, sexual crimes will not magically disappear from the internet. In contrary, in that case we will end up having another “PornHub”, PornJob, PornMob, or something similar, and time will be wasted exactly on that, instead of tracking down criminals. Or even worse: videos of sexual crimes will be uploaded on dozens of different pornographic websites and, consequently, it will be much harder to track these crimes down.


Tendency to shut down PornHub because of our hate towards human trafficking and rape is, therefore, unreasonable. What is reasonable is (1) firstly, to legally regulate PornHub and other pornographic sites in a liberalistic but much safer way, and (2) secondly, to unite the forces of PornHub (that is, of its owners) with those of different child protection and anti-trafficking organisations, as well as experts, to reach our aim - to detect these crimes faster and with greater success rate.

Firstly, (1) experts should discuss and find the best possible way to control consent and age of actors and actresses in pornographic videos, as well as the age of content consumers. Their solution should also take human freedoms into account and secure the anonymity of its actors, actresses and consumers. Their findings should serve as a base for creating one new and more effective law for regulation of pornographic websites.

Secondly, (2) “war” between PornHub, who may not be taking this important accusation enough seriously, and child protection and anti-trafficking organisations is unproductive. If PornHub will shut down, these crime-related porn videos or movies will be uploaded on different website or set of websites.


Let’s not underestimate the intelligence of our opponents - human traffickers and rapists. If we close down the most famous pornographic website PornHub, our opponents will find another way to make profit through the internet. That’s something we are sure of as we can possibly be. And consequently it may become much harder to detect them.


Strategically speaking, ‘war’ between PornHub and different organizations is a waste of our time. If we want to stop human trafficking and sexual crimes, we believe it would be much more useful and productive for both of these opposing sides- as well as for victims of sexual abuse - to demand full cooperation between (A) PornHub’s owners and (B) child protection and anti-trafficking organisations.

So, we fight for that. We fight for their cooperation and for using PornHub as our epicentre, but not only as “the global epicentre of internet pornography”, to use the phrase from TrafficHub’s video, but also as “the global epicentre of tracking down illegal sexual materials” - and consequently, activities - that are being uploaded to PornHub.

We fight for tracking down those people who are in charge for creating and uploading these illegal contents, we fight for finding them and punishing them as they deserve, by the force of our law.


We fight for removing these people from the real world in which we live in and for making them suffer the legal penalty. We fight for world without rapists, without sexual abuse and without human trafficking, and not for a world without pornography.

We desperately want to fight against sexual crimes. We want to make this world a safer place for each and every one of us. But in order to achieve that, we have to remove these criminals from our streets and neighbourhoods, and we honestly believe that PornHub is at the moment one of our best chances to do that: it’s maybe the best way for detecting sexual criminals and, consequently, for punishing them by the force of our law.

WE DO NOT WANT TO SHUT DOWN THE PORNHUB! WE WANT TO USE IT IN OUR ADVANTAGE! Because nowadays it’s probably impossible to make internet pornography disappear. So let’s use it as a weapon to make our cities safer.


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