Petition for Consent TickBox during Buyback to Boost TFXi Market Sentiment

9th February 2023

Dear TriumphFx Broker,

We respectfully request your consideration of our proposal to include a consent tick box during buyback transactions, allowing for automatic buyback with USDT to TFX at market rate. Those who choose to tick this option will receive priority allocation.

This mechanism has the potential to immediately improve market rates significantly and create a positive impact on the overall market sentiments. 

We understand the legal barriers that prevent brokers from directly buying back with investors' funds. However, if investors are given the opportunity to provide their consent, the process would be legalized.

The mechanism can be there until TFXi arrive 0.8.

The allocation formula can be adjusted to best serve the market and promote positivity.

For example, with a total of 10 million USDT allocation, 6 million could be designated for actual withdrawal during coin settlement, and the remaining 4 million for priority allocation for automatic buyback at market rate.

Investors are eager to be part of the solution and to contribute to a more prosperous market. The time has come for public investors to have a meaningful impact on the Company's success. We are not only seeking to save the Company, but also to secure our own investments.

The market is currently experiencing low sentiments, and a positive boost is desperately needed.

By witnessing a rise in TFX price, confidence will be restored, and more builders will start to work & begin investing. This is the essence of pull marketing - to create an upward trend that attracts investors and drives growth.

In conclusion, we believe that this proposal will not only save the company, but also benefit all parties involved. It is time for public investors to take action and be part of this movement.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

On Behalf of The Concerned Introducing Brokers Team

2023 年 2 月 9 日


我们恳请考虑我们的提案,在回购交易中包括一个同意权复选框,允许以市场价格将 USDT 自动回购为 TFX。选择此选项的人将获得优先分配权








通过见证TFX价格的上涨,信心将得到恢复,更多代理建设者 (IB)将开始工作并开始投资。这就是拉动式营销的本质--创造一个吸引投资者和推动增长的上升趋势。




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