Conchologists of America Online Petition to United States Postal Service

As a member of the Conchologists of America or a member of the general shell-loving community, I am passionate about disseminating knowledge about mollusks and preserving their habitats. The United States Postal Service has the unique opportunity to increase the awareness and appreciation for these fascinating creatures by issuing a new series of stamps featuring real photographs of United States shells. Many other countries regularly release similar stamp series, which not only celebrate natural beauty but also promote environmental conservation. By showcasing the diverse and intricate designs found in our native shells and the animals that live in them, we can inspire interest in marine biology and highlight the importance of protecting molluscan populations. Please join me in urging the USPS to issue this special stamp series. Sign this petition to support this cause!

Karlynn Morgan, President of The Conchologists of America    Contact the author of the petition

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