Concerned LMS Parents


Dear Parent

Over the past few months there has been a lot of issues revealed about our school which we as parents need clarification on. A meeting which was meant to be held on the 2th of April with the purpose of providing us with information was illegally dismissed by those who don't want parents to know what is going on. We as the parents are the major stakeholders of the school and we deserve to be informed as well as take part in the decisions made about our children in the school. 

Due to the fact that the current SGB was seen to be converted to the School's side instead of representing the parents, a parent forum has been formed to represent the concerned parents of Lord Milner School. The main aim is to engage with the school on issues of concern such as:

- The wellbeing of our kids at school

- The manner in which the funds of the school are utilised

- The communication between the school and the parents 

By signing the petition, you are agreeing that you support the forum and give them permission to engage with the school on your behalf.