Cockrum MS - Opposition to Gas Station - 3840 HWY 305 South

We are asking for the support of our neighbors in opposition of a Convenience Store with Gas pumps being approved for 3840 HWY 305 South.  There is already an existing Convenience store (3911 HWY 305) and a Convenience Store with gas pumps that is under construction (3914 HWY 305) as well as an existing Dollar General (3880 HWY 305).  This would give our community three convenience stores and a Dollar General within less than 1/10 of a mile of each other futher congesting the traffic problems that currently exist on Highway 305 within a curve in the road that obstructs a safe lookout. The Community is already serviced with three existing Convenience Stores with gas pumps - (1) 3.7 Miles West, (1) 4.2 miles North and (1) 1.7 miles South.  There is a Public Hearing Meeting on Monday December 14th at 7 pm at 365 Losher Street in Hernando, we would like to ask for everyone in opposition to sign this petition and/or attend the Hearing meeting.


Becky Tarrance Noe    Contact the author of the petition

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