Club 888 Does Not Belong on Driftwood Road

The proposed development of an 8-storey residential apartment building containing 44 units is not a good fit for Driftwood Road on Orchard Point.  Between Orchard Point Harbour (138 units), Sophie's Landing (46 units), and Mariner's Pier (42 units), there is far too much development for a small parcel of land and a neighbourhood of approximately 25 homes.  There is no infrastructure in place to support it.  There is no direct access to Atherley Road from this development.  Planned access is from Driftwood Road via Orchard Point Road.  There is no traffic light at Orchard Point Road to ease congestion.  There are no sidewalks available within Orchard Point or to allow local residents to safely access nearby public transit, parks, and other services.  To learn more about the development, see

Please sign if you agree that Coland Developments should not build this project on 625 & 623 Atherley Road & 642 Driftwood Road.  

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