Certified Municipal Sprayer for High Level, Alberta

We are writing to the Town of High Level to request that they train a certified municipal sprayer for the community.

We have a mosquito infestation which seems to be worse in the last few years. With all the rain this year, it's intolerable. Many residents have purchased all types of mosquito control devices for their yards yet we still battle mosquitoes indoors and outdoors. 

As well, there are a lot of dandelions and it is our understanding that a certified sprayer would be able to deal with weeds and insects. 

If a member of the Town Crew could be cerfied for this position, it would be of benefit to the entire community for many years to come, creating a more welcoming outdoor environment for our short summer months.

We request that the town have a staff member trained as soon as possible and begin a robust spraying program. If a certified sprayer cannot be trained this year, then please hire a commercial sprayer as soon as possible and have a High Level employee in place for next spring. 

High Level is surrounded by wetlands and swampy areas. As well, it has extremely well kept properties which shows pride of ownership. We'd like to spend more time outdoors enjoying these beautiful days, but the mosquitoes are a definite deterrent.

Thanks for your soonest consideration of this matter. 

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