CCTV in Nursery And Schools

Dear Parents and Community Members,

We would like to bring an important issue to your attention that affects the safety and well-being of our children. It is essential to have a safe and transparent educational environment where both children and parents feel protected.

In light of recent incidents related to neglect and accusations directed at parents concerning their children's behavior, we believe it is imperative to request the installation of CCTV cameras in nurseries and schools. These cameras could provide necessary transparency and help clarify unpleasant situations, while ensuring a safer environment for everyone.

We encourage you to support this initiative so that we can ensure an educational setting where our children are well cared for and where parents are not subjected to unfounded accusations. Together, we can make a difference and contribute to the well-being of our community.

Thank you for your support!

Alina-Sorina Niculescu    Contact the author of the petition

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