Cancel CBSE Boards 2020-2021

In this COVID-19 epidemic, the students are unable to study properly for exams. The problem mainly lies in the education system of India and there is a chance of the virus spreading of the exams are to take place. We hope you understand our goal and help the petition reach 5000 signs.

If we are able to reach 5000 signs, we will have 2 choices:-

1. Cancellation of Boards.

2. Postpone them to next year.

This year should be declared to be a Zero Year for the betterment of education. Zero Year doesn't mean that the year would be wasted. It's a time like this we are going through. Let's pause the studies and we'll continue everything where we left whem everything will be fine. Subtraction of syllabus or putting pressure on students are not good in both cases.

We are hoping you will support us. Thank you!

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