
As we all know the wonderful show Wolfpack written by Jeff Davis and based on the books by author Edo Van Belkom was cancelled in the last few weeks. The news came as a total shock and out of no where as it had been loved by many and there was promises of a season 2. The incredible cast and crew did an amazing job on this show and should be acknowledged for all their hard work.

Wolfpack did a good job at discussing topics that are often not explored in the film industry including Mental health, Disconnected families, Adopted Children and more. As someone who suffers from servere anxiety I was able to ralate to the characters in a huge way as I'm sure others that have anxiety could to. 

Please if you have a spare minute sign this petiton and lets try and get the show back on air, the story is not over yet and far from finished. The bond between the cast and crew should not be broken. Lets speak out on how much this show was loved by audiences and how the decision to cancel it was premature.

Now is the time to be a pack!!!! More specifically a WOLF PACK!!! 

much loveeee 

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