The media and some online Wests Tigers and Balmain supporters, excel at telling us why the Wests Tigers should continue. 

None of them want to talk about why they should't. Here are those reasons:

  • There has never been a successful joint venture. They do not work.
  • The gentrification of Balmain has extended to the Magpies, endagering the species with their Piccolo lattes and Short Macchiatos. It is inhumane treatment of honest working amd middle class people.
  • The Balmainification of the team is even more dire.
  • The NRL and Wests Tigers treatment of the Macarthur area is appalling. In no other code of sport, in no other country in the world would the biggest nursery for that sport be ignored to the point of having no home-based team in the national competition.
  • Youth in the Macarthur area deserve the chance to represent the area in which they grew up. Given that opportunity, the rebadged Macarthur Magpies could replicate the feats of Penrith.
  • News articles going back at least 10 years show that the Wests Tigers have called for patience while they "rebuild". There is no end in sight for this "rebuild". 
  • To avoid the above obvious reasons for the failure of the club on the field, players and coaches sold to fans as the team saviors, have been scapegoated. When that became a bit cliched, they axed some administrators. The results remained the same.
  • A tried and true definition of insanity is repeating what you do and expecting a different result. The existance of the Wests Tigers is the very epitome of insanity. 

If you subtantially agree with the above, please sign the petition to call for the return of the Magpies and have them based where they belong - in the Macarthur. 

You can also join our facebook group

There is strength in numbers. Give Campbellown and district the team it needs and deserves. Thank you. 


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