Braunton needs more Affordable, Secure Homes for Rent

Braunton, like so many other communiities is facing a Housing Crisis. Too many second homes and short term holiday lets mean we have too few homes for local people to rent. Braunton Community Land Trust was established to help address these needs and wants to build 25-30 homes for social rent that will remain available for local people in perpetuity - they can never be sold.

The Trust has identified 2 sites that have potential. The first is land on Saunton Rd and the second is to the south west of Tescos - both shown on the maps below. The Saunton Rd site is opposed by the local planning authority because of its proximity to the Great Field. The 'Tesco' site is only accessible by the road that runs behind the store and at present Tesco are refusing to give a right of way along that road to the potential site.

We are asking for your support and views on these 2 sites. We are calling on North Devon Council and Tesco to remove the barriers that are halting these potential developments which could provide upto 60 new affordable social rented homes for Braunton people.

By signing this petition you can show your support for both or either of these sites by anwering the site choice questions. Site 1 is the land at Saunton Rd and Site 2 is the land next to Tesco.

   SITE 1                                    SITE 2Petition_graphic_jpg_cropped.jpg

Braunton Community Land Trust Ltd    Contact the author of the petition

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