Bhandup Station Road

Urgent action is required on the condition of the station road which has been in it's worst forms since the last few years. The washroom built for public service and facility causes inconvenience because of it's unhygienic conditions & the sewage water coming onto the roads makes them unwalkable for common man, specially during the monsoon season .

Moreover, there is zero supervision on the stations during peak times. People are travelling in unsafe manners which can and often has led to mishaps in the past. Women have to remain extra cautious during evening times because of lack of proper lighting and unsafe conditions on the roads from the Station leading to Dreams Complex 

We expect the conditions to be improved through management on the stations and betterment of the road itself. 

We hope you look into the matter keeping in  light the Corporation and Vidhan Sabha Elections are just a month ahead, Lack of which will make us rethink our decisions about the Local Governing Body which has always received our utmost faith. 

Sharvaree Deshpande    Contact the author of the petition

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