Bail out workers, not Wall Street.

Petition to the President of the United States and members of Congress...

This time bail out workers instead of Wall Street.

1. A Basic Income Guarantee of $2000.00 a month for every adult over 18 and $200.00 for each child in the family.

2. A $650.00 increase per month for everyone receiving Social Security.

3. Cancel ALL student debt.

4. Increase the Federal Minimum Wage to $16.00.

The money can come from a hefty tax on the rich, a tax on stock market transactions, Federal Stimulus Funds for public needs and a Peace Dividend.

Millions of people are suffering because of this economic crisis that has been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic.

We urge you to act now without delay.


Petition initiated by:

Socialists Connection Action Network:

Socialists CAN

25060 HANCOCK AVENUE, Suite 341


For further information phone: 512-517-2708

Check out our website:

We ask that after you sign our petition you share it with your family, friends, neighbors and fellow workers.

Note: Signature will be validated through your e-mail

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