Bacon/Walnut St Intersection Safety Changes

We are seeking a review and implementation of the safety needs at the 5-way stop intersection of Walnut St, Bacon St. and Chestnut St. (by Loker Park) in Natick, Mass. Specifically, we are seeking the addition of a lighted and auditory cross walk and accompanying tactile strips at the curb to improve safety for children walking to the park, students walking to their bus stops, commuters walking to the train and the disabled who live in the neighborhood. Signing this petition indicates that you believe there is a need for improved safety at this intersection and that you wish for the Natick Safety Commission to schedule a thorough review and implement safety needs. Please sign this petition only if you are a Natick resident. Please feel free to forward or post to other Natick residents. Thank you for your time and attention.FC6C36A8-5160-483B-A6CA-CED9B707127C.jpeg

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