The reason for this petition is to rally support for animal welfare shelters in financial turmoil, due to the loss of sponsorships and donations, on account of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The plea is directed to government to assist these shelters financially, in a time when the public is no longer able to do so. A VAST amount of animals, unable to fend for themselves, will benefit from receiving food and other necessities to survive and live another day. 

The continued existence of these shelters is a matter of life and death for thousands of animals. The pandemic is threatening to cease the existence of numerous of these shelters.



People can rally support from friends and family and even create alternative ways to generate an income. Animals do not have these options and are reliant on human beings in order to survive.

hyNphrpbthVlfLz-800x450-noPad2.jpgYou can make a difference in the lives of these innocent and helpless animals by SIGNING AND PROMOTING this petition.

15166669542.pngI would also like to call on each and every one to consider any contribution in any way, shape or form to these institutions that are in dire need thereof- no matter how small, it CAN make a difference.


Thank you in advance for your support!!


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