Allow UTV, Side by Side's in the City of Marlette

We the undersigned are petitioning the members of the local governing bodies to pass ordinances to legalize the use of Side by Sides, UTV's, and similar vehickes, commonly known as "Rangers", "Gators", "RZR's" on all non-interstate roads within the city.

The popularity of these vehicles has exploded in recent years and there are many people who would benefit from being able to legally operate them on city roads. These benefits are not just limited to the operators of these vehicles. There are many reasons why this would be beneficial to both the owners of these vehicles as well as the other citizens of the communities within the city.

Fuel cost is one of the big reasons for this petition. Currently the UTV has to be trailered somewhere that allows them, which increases fulel cost. Often people chose to ride motrocycles to save on fuel cost. Unlike a motorcycle, a UTV can be used all season long; for hunting, farming and fishing.

As for safety, another reason these vehicles should be allowed to operate in the city limits is that; while these vehicles are smaller than regular cars and trucks, they are much larger than motorcycles and mopeds, therefore making them more visible to other drivers. This increases safety for both users and non-users.

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