Allow Unvaxxed people entry into Malls in Singapore

Screenshot_20211012-231329_Gmail.jpgThe original petition had been removed on 12 Oct'21 morning! Censorship by Big Tech again! It has garnered more than 7350 signatures as of 11 Oct'21 night! Please sign this petition to let your voice be heard again!

Screenshot_20211012-122019_DuckDuckGo1.jpgAllow unvaxxed people to enter malls in Singapore! Singapore is a densely-populated island and most goods n services are concentrated in malls for this reason. How can unvaxxed people be denied of important, including essential, goods n services for themselves n their families?

This petition is also about Medical Freedom n supporting Pro-Choice and Anti-Discrimination! The Singapore Pledge says "Regardless of Race, Language or Religion" n now, we have to encourage Singaporeans to embrace one another regardless of Vaxxed status!

Vaxxed people will become unvaxxed over time if they refuse booster shots. Some people have taken the 1st Covid jab but are unable to do so because they suffer from adverse reactions. Women who are pregnant n breast-feeding may be hesitant to take Covid jabs. How about those who are unable to take Covid jabs because of their underlying medical health? Do Singaporeans have to be jabbed for life?

There is overwhelming scientific evidence that vaxxed people have as much, if not more viral loads, than unvaxxed people. There are also many adverse reactions from Covid jabs which are swept under the carpet. There are lots of scientific evidence to show the dangers and ineffectiveness of Covid jabs, esp in highly vaxxed countries such as Israel.  There are evidences that most of the hospitalisations and deaths in highly vaxxed countries are from vaxxed ppl. Singapore government's explanation that the differentiated measures are to protect the unvaxxed are all inaccurate!

EDB and Temasek invested US$500mil (with other investors) n US$250mil in Moderna n BioNTech respectively. But do 100% of Sporeans have to be vaxxed as lab rats to boost Singapore government's investments? There are a lot of conflicts of interest here! How can Singapore government encourage booster shots for ppl above 30 years old when FDA only recommends for people above 65 years old? How can Singapore government jab children below 12 years old in Y2022 when FDA only gives approval to Cormirnaty (not Pfizer which is still under EUA) for those 16 years n above? Some countries have already stopped Moderna vaccinations for their younger population. Do all Singaporeans have to be jabbed for life to boost Big Pharma profits?

A Very Angry and Oppressed Singaporean

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