ActionSA rejects illegal KSD Municipality electricity tarrif increase

KSD Municipality increasing Electricity tarrifs by 11.03 despite the court order issued on the 28th June 2024 that prohibits the municipality not to increase tarrifs. 


This comes after a court order which states that out 187 municipalities, only 66 can increase their tarrifs as approved by NERSA. KSD does not appear in the list because it could not meet the following requirements:

1. Could not provide Cost of Supply 

2. No proper consultation with consumers was done

It is in this background that ActionSA is petitioning the Municipality to retract its declaration to increase the electricity tarrifs by 11.03 by 1 July 2024.

This petition seeks to protect the residents on the basis that they can't afford these ridiculous increases. A mere example that this will cost residents exorbitant unreliable electricity. Where R100 will cost 27-29 units in average. 

As ActionSA we reject this ureasonable increase. 

 ActionSA will mobilize the masses and handover the petition on the 19 July @ 12:00 to the Mayors office. 




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