Action Against Fanatec

Fanatec2.pngMany thousands of Fanatec/Endor AG customers are being ignored
and have been robbed of hard earned money with no products in return.

They dont care as you're only one small customer right, what can you do?
well if we act as a group togethe, then they will be forced to take action.​

Their Customer Service and communication is non existent.

No updates are being provided, and no items are being shipped

They have unfairly taken money on a promise that product was in stock and that any delays would only be a matter of 10 days whilst they change their warehousing.

​They clearly dont have the stock and many are finding it hard to get an email let alone their money back.
They're more interested in promoting further on social media, rather than taking care of the customer that gave them money already.

As a large group Fanatec / Endor AG would be forced to listen to us

Sign our petition now so that we can consider a class action against Fanatec / Endor AG, and force them to admit liability and either refund money to people or ship the equipment.

sign the partition now so we can get together as a group

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