We the undersigned hereby affirm that it's no longer fair to have our online/take-home exams when the country is on a lock down. The mere fact that we all pay the same tuition, it's not fair to act to the advantage of only those who have laptops and other computers in their home to the detriment of the others. Some students had hopes that they were going to use internet cafes and other stationeries that have computer for typing their work to be online with the deadlines provided. Unfortunately all these are now closed due to the ongoing pademic fears, the situation brought up by the fear is also worrying itself. It nolonger seems like the ground is equal anymore, no one expected this to go this high but all decisions taken should be for the benefit of we the students.

It would therefore be fair, if this institution puts into regard our opinions better to put the lockdown into consideration and at least put the fixed dates into consideration for the later. Why do we have to rush yet this is a service we pay for and all love to take it on but not under this situation.

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