Free Steffany Frazier

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2017-01-27 21:56:41

Corry Hayward

Letter From Stet.

2014-08-26 01:58:20




Peace Be Unto You All:

I pray as you all read this letter of appreciation, gratitude and love, it will find everyone of you in the very best of God's health and spirit.

I would be remiss within my duty if I did not first and foremost, thank God for such love and support. I am overwhelmed with joy realizing the support and love this petition page is demonstrating for my release. Some of you I know, as I'm sure there are some I've never encountered in person. Thank you, thank you, and thank you.

Before I write what I desire to say. I had a very special visit from my cousin Corry Hayward this past weekend of August 9, 2014. Corry wrote me a letter on June 15, 2014, informing me that he attended law school to help the people whose voices have fallen upon deaf ears: more specifically, I was his main priority and reason for attending law school; and his intention was to help bring me home, with the help of God. I was very touched to receive such honored words. From that moment, my cousin shocked me with an email informing me that he had started up a petition page, as well as a Facebook page in support of my sentence being commuted by President Obama. So I'm forever gracious for my cousin effort he's attempting to put forth. Regardless of the end result, his effort will always be honored in and of my life.

There's much going on at the moment in concern of my case being reviewed, as I've received a preliminary letter from New York University, School of Law in concern of assisting for clemency within my case. This representation will occur once Mercy Project receives one more document, which has been forwarded as I speak. I've been blessed to weather every storm of circumstances God has allowed me to encounter within the circumference of my life. And with the help of God, I will weather many more that lie in wait for me.

I feel its incumbent upon me to state this: There are many of you, if not all, who has that form of remorse for "Stet"; and feel I've been done wrong to be incarcerated for 20 years for my drug activity. I can honestly say: prison is "ONE" of the greatest blessings God could have allowed to be bestowed upon me, other than life itself. The circumstances that lead to my incarceration will forever have me in a state of remorse. However, time is an irreplaceable factor within all of our lives. Therefore, I strive to make the best and most logical decision in everything I do.

I will not express in detail why I state prison is one of God's greatest blessing I could have bestowed upon me. Only with the Grace and Help of God, I will be free very soon, and I'm sure you'll see and understand what I mean "In Time". I will thoroughly express that I have made the very best any human being could ever make under such circumstances. My stay has been  a 20-year university, rather than a 20-year stay in prison. If I'm exonerated into society with the mindset I entered into prison with on December 19, 1994. Then that to me, and for me would be detrimental coming back into your neighborhood.

I've truly enjoyed myself, because I've never found the time to complain. It's a waste of time, as well as ingratitude to God. That I will never do, nor be a victim of. So thank you all. I will forever be grateful to you all for your support. Please don't misconstrue that I'm saying I would rather be in prison than society (smile). What I'm saying is that, I don't stress myself over things I have not the ability to change.

  My situation is a complex problem.  I always knew that God would act in and on time for the benefit of my freedom when I was ready.   Lastly, my children have asked me for many years that I have a party to celebrate my homecoming. Although they were younger then, God willing, they will get that celebration with their father when my sentence is commuted. And at the appropriate time: all details will be posted on this petition page. I'm not able to calculate the time of when my sentence will be commuted, God willing.  I'm one of the 3,300 federal inmates mentioned in a  USA Today article (August 1, 2014) that the Department of Justice lawyers are in the process of reviewing before sending the petitions to President Obama for consideration of his approval. So of course patience is a virtue, and I'm blessed to have that unique quality and principle.

Once again, thank you all very much, and may God continue to bless you throughout your every endeavor of life.



Best Wishes,

Peace Be Unto You All


Love Stet




Corry Hayward

207 Signatures Needed

2014-08-03 18:49:29
Good Day,

By your support the petition now has 793 signatures, which is a 207 shy of our goal of 1,000 signatures. Please ask everyone that you know, to logon & sign, if they support this cause. Lastly, it is a true pleasure to see our community stand tall & support this effort.


Big C

Corry Hayward

Steffany Frazier Interview with Michael G. Santos Foundation

2014-07-06 23:34:51

Corry Hayward

Update & Explanation of a Conspiracy

2014-06-28 18:01:21

Happy Saturday,

Presently 226 people have signed the petition.  Thank you all for the support.  Please share the link via social media, email, text, and any other methods of communication.  The population of Camilla, Georgia, Stet's hometown, is approximately 5,000.  Lets at least strive for 1,000 signatures!  The link below explains what a conspiracy is.

Explanation of a conspiracy

Real-Life Application

When suspect A is arrested for a crime and he states that person B was involved in his (suspect A) crime, then suspect B will be found guilty, even if he had nothing to do with suspect A's crime. A charge of conspiracy is a catch-all charge that benefits federal prosecutors.

Warm Regards,

Corry Hayward

Corry Hayward

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