Petition for 1) The Removal of The New Principal 2) The Well-Being of Our Students and Effective Communication from School Administration

Contact the author of the petition


2024-07-19 04:11:09



Dear Petition Signees,

We are writing to update you on the recent developments concerning the petition regarding the campus principal.

1) Insufficient evidence
After a thorough investigation into the allegations raised, the school administration has completed their review and concluded that there was insufficient evidence to substantiate the claims against the campus principal.

Despite the presence of witnesses, school management claimed that the investigation did not yield sufficient proof as the alleged victim did not come forward to provide a formal statement or evidence.

As a result, no action will be taken against the principal.

2) School Management’s update on campus principal's behavior
The school's investigation team has finished following up on new statements from two student witnesses.

The investigation claimed that many inconsistencies in the testimonies, particularly about the date of the assembly and the campus principal's actions. No complaints were received from the alleged victims or their families either.

3) The school management also concluded that there is no solid evidence of any physical or verbal misconduct by the campus principal, though many noted her stern manner during the assembly.

The school has decided to end the investigation. Consequently, they are concerned about their reputation being at stake. We were advised to take down the petition due to the unverified nature of the allegations, as well as to avoid potential legal repercussions from the school for damaging its reputation.

4) We are closely monitoring every action taken by the school management. If the communication gap is not effectively addressed, we parents, will be compelled to take further steps. We trust that the management will recognize the importance of clear and transparent communication with all stakeholders.

Open dialogue is essential for fostering a positive and productive environment for our children, and we remain committed to ensuring this standard is met.

Thank you once again for standing alongside in advocating for the best interests of our children. This episode will closed for the time being.

Thank you and all the best everyone!


Google translate:





1.证据不足 在对所提出的指控进行彻底调查后,校方管理层完成了审查,并得出结论,认为没有足够的证据证实对校园校长的指控。




2.校方管理层关于校长行为的更新 校方调查小组已经完成了对两名学生证人的新陈述的跟进。











Y Ching


2024-06-30 18:56:11


There's some light at the end of the tunnel!

A big group of parents met with the CEO, Mr. Anthony Partington, in person at the school on Saturday, June 29, 2024.

1. New Evidence:

Please see below the attached notes taken during the Saturday meeting.

Several new issues have surfaced, including one significant incident concerning the new principal's behavior, as mentioned in the petition. This incident has led to the reopening of the investigation.

Two courageous witnesses have come forward to testify about the incident.The victim has been identified as a Year 2 International student involved in this unfortunate event.

The school administration has expressed a desire to meet with the victim to understand the full story.It is becoming increasingly evident that we have a strong case against the new principal.

Despite this, the school appears to be complicating the investigation process. Given that we already know the victim is a Year 2 International student, it should not be difficult to narrow down and carry out a thorough investigation.


2. Allegations of Parents' Threats against the new principal by the School Administration

We are uncertain whether the allegations made by the school regarding parents' threats are legitimate or if they are an attempt to undermine our concerns.

We urge all parents to refrain from such behavior, as it is immature and counterproductive. As a civilized community, we should always strive to resolve matters peacefully.

We reserve our rights as parents to further pursue this baseless allegation made by the school and demand proof, as these claims have already damaged the reputation of a parent.


3. Committee Members' Efforts:

The petition will remain active for the time being, as some cases have been reopened.The collective efforts of the committee have brought this petition to the next level.

Special credit goes to:


Stev & Mes





There are many more dedicated parents, whose names are not mentioned here, working hard behind the scenes and forming a powerful force to encourage more parental involvement.

Together, we can create a nurturing environment that benefits all our children and fosters a sense of unity and collaboration.

We will provide further updates in a week's time.


Google translate:

  1. 新证据!


一组家长于2024年6月29日星期六在学校与CEO Anthony Partington先生亲自会面。



1. 出现了几项新问题,其中包括一项关于新校长行为的重要事件,该事件在请愿书中有所提及。




2. 学校行政部门对家长威胁新校长的指控





3. 委员会成员的努力:




Stev & Mes















Y Ching

Final Update

2024-06-27 18:14:51

Picsart_24-06-28_10-40-43-430.jpgFINAL UPDATE

As you all know, we had another Zoom meeting with the CEO, Mr. Anthony Partington on June 25, 2024, Tuesday.

As claimed by the CEO, agenda item 1 from the petition to remove the new principal was not achieved due to lack of concrete evidences, after the findings and investigation conducted by the XCL team.

Nevertheless, agenda item 2 led the school to retract most of the recently implemented policies (e.g.,rescheduling of school activities, PE Attire policy, resuming sports subsidies, and grading for the secondary level), citing these are just misunderstandings between the school and the parents.

Although not all feedback were upheld, many unilateral decisions by the school have been reconsidered.

Moving forward, we should focus on forming a partnership with the school to facilitate improvements. It's not a total loss, we now have the opportunity for better and more open communication with the school administration.

While I appreciate the CEO's prompt action on this matter, he did not perceive the parents' reaction as a significant sign of rejection. This negativity could have a substantial impact on the school, highlighting how a poor school leader can be detrimental to the institution.

Well, for the sake of the children, we should focus on forming a partnership with the school to foster improvements. Unless we found new evidence to turn the things around, this Saturday will be crucial if luck is on our side.

If you ask if I am disappointed with the outcome, I can tell you that I am. However, on the bright side, this 'campaign' has allowed us to connect with many Real Schools parents.

Please unite as one. If we encounter any major issues with the principal or school administration in the future, we can now act and handle them more effectively.

At the CEO's request, the petition must be taken down to avoid potential legal repercussions for maligning the school's reputation.

One petition might be down, but there are many other social media platforms are widely available. The power of word-of-mouth marketing can spread information rapidly, akin to wildfire. The school needs to project a positive and healthy image to the public to establish itself as a leading institution in this area.

Over the past two weeks, we have experienced a whirlwind of activity following the submission of the petition. I have witnessed a remarkable unity among parents.

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for standing alongside in advocating for the best interests of our children. Your unwavering support and collective effort are truly inspiring.

Our united efforts are the key to achieving meaningful change. Together, we can make a significant difference.

Thank you once again for your commitment and support.


In case you haven't heard, Mr. Anthony Partington will be in Real Schools on 29 June 2024, Saturday from 10am to 2pm.

This is the last chance to meet him in person and discuss any concerns you may have, before he flying off.


Google translate


大家好,如大家所知,我们于2024年6月25日星期二,与CEO先生Mr Anthony Partington 进行了另一场Zoom会议。








如果你问我对结果是否失望,我可以告诉你是的。但是,从好的方面看,这次“运动”让我们与许多Real Schools的家长建立了联系。






如果你还不知道,CEO将于2024年6月29日星期六上午10点至下午2点在Real Schools。这是最后一次见到他并讨论任何关注的问题的机会.


Y Ching

Zoom meeting on 25 June 2025, Tuesday @ 8pm

2024-06-24 10:35:26

Hi All,

Please be informed that a follow-up Zoom meeting with Mr. Anthony Partington to discuss the findings and outcomes of the investigation on the school leader has been scheduled as follows:

Date: 25 June 2024, Tuesday

Time: 8pm

Platform: Zoom

Meeting Link:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 8338 7352

Passcode: 515620

We anticipate a favorable outcome and will update you accordingly.

Best regards, 

Y Ching

Email reply to CEO

2024-06-17 20:24:18

To: CEO XCL Malaysia <>Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 4:18 AM

Dear Anthony,

Your email dated 17 Jun 2024 referred, thank you for following up on this matter.

As mentioned in your reply, we will inform parents to email you at for their intention to meet in person,
prior meeting you at JB Campus this Wednesday (19 June 2024, Wednesday from 9.30 to 5.30pm).

Before the start of the Zoom meeting that day, we conducted a poll with 26 attendees (excluding latecomers -see
attached). This poll was conducted anonymously, while we couldn't trace individual responses, we gathered some
insights regarding demographic information and reports of the new principal's inappropriate behaviors.

As mentioned during the Zoom meeting, we are not obligated to provide evidence. It is the responsibility of your team
to investigate and provide a satisfactory outcome. However, we did note two specific incidents: the new principal
labeling students as "cowards" and her statement encouraging parents to change schools if they were dissatisfied.
Both incidents occurred during a general assembly attended and witnessed by teachers and students. We believe that the installation of CCTV cameras in school could help capture any incidents and support your
investigation. We leave it to the XCL team to decide how to proceed in the absence of substantial evidence.

A good leader must have more than just qualifications. She must be a team player, and it is essential that the team
and stakeholders have confidence in her to move forward effectively. Regardless of whether all the misbehaviors can
be proven, it seems clear that she may not be suitable for the role of campus principal.

I am attaching the signees list with comments (but without the contact details) as these are personal data, consent
needs to be sought before releasing to you. Nevertheless, your presence this Wednesday in school has broadcasted
to all signees to come forward to address their concerns.

Please be reminded that another Zoom meeting will be scheduled on 25 June 2024 to discuss the findings and
outcomes of the investigation. Time TBA.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,
Y Ching

Y Ching

Update on Zoom meeting with CEO on 14 June 2024

2024-06-15 01:35:13

Dear everyone

I would like to update you on our recent conversation with the CEO regarding the petition.

The CEO has expressed sincere determination to resolve our concerns about the new principal and the issue of open communication with the school administration.

He indicated that a necessary investigation needs to be conducted before any action can be taken.

The committee emphasized the need for this report to be completed quickly.

The CEO will be in JB campus on June 24, 2024. Parents will have the opportunity to meet with him during this time to address any complaints and concerns they may have.

Additionally, we will arrange another Zoom meeting with the CEO to report on the findings and outcomes of the investigation.

Thank you.

Y Ching

Y Ching

Peaceful "face-off" with Mr CEO tonight

2024-06-14 07:24:18

Hi All,

As informed earlier, there will be a Zoom meeting with the School CEO this evening. 

Please find the details as below:

Date: Friday, 14 June 2024
Time: 7:45 PM

Zoom link:

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 871 4087 2590
Passcode: 988155

We have come this far, buoyed by the incredible support from so many of you.

While we cannot be certain of the outcome we hope for, we have fought tirelessly for this cause—for the children at this school, for the parents who feel disappointed, and for the dedicated teachers who give their all.

We will march on, carrying the wishes of everyone who signed.

Wish us luck tonight.

Y Ching

Peaceful 'Face off' with Mr CEO/ 与CEO的和平'对峙'

2024-06-13 17:44:52

Hi Fellow Parents,

I am elated to share that Mr. CEO has replied to our email and confirmed a zoom meeting with the Committee members on the 14 June 2024.

We are making progress toward having a conversation with the CEO.

We are optimistic that by working together as a big team, and determine, to achieve our desired outcomes!

Please continue to share the petition link to maximize its impact before facing the CEO.

Thank you.







Y Ching

Reply to CEO's request to discuss on Petition

2024-06-13 12:35:03

We have responded to the CEO's letter by sending an email to him this morning, see attached letter.


Y Ching

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