SEIU 1199NW Dues Revote

Contact the author of the petition


2024-08-14 23:45:01

We were granted a whole 15 minutes to present our petition and presentation at the the July 16th Eboard meeting. The presentation went relatively well.....some very receptive, others rolling their eyes but an applaud at the end. We had a total of 3799 signatures, while mostly Swedish employees, we also have signatures from 9 additional health institutions. Jane gave a vague "promise" to give us an answer "in a couple months." The next eboard meeting is Sept 12th (no meeting in August.) An email was sent from myself to the Excecutive panel (Jane, Yolanda, Casey and Robyn) repectfully asking for an answer to our revote demand by end of day Sept 12th. I received an email from Jane (rather her assistant) confirming this will be a topic covered in the 9/12 meeting. Per "inside" info they are going through petition signatures to "vet" them and theyndo intend to discuss in the next eboard meeting. 

If you would like a copy of our presentation, I can send via email. 


Jennifer Larson, Connie Ordonia and Heather Stratz

URGENT! Member statements needed!

2024-07-09 21:05:09

If you or any of your co-workers witnessed unethical behavior in regard to how the Brighter Future Vote was rolled out and conducted I NEED your personal statement! Your name will be kept confidential unless you prefer otherwise. Please submit by 7/13 to heatherstratz2@

Jennifer Larson, Connie Ordonia and Heather Stratz

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