Protect and Preserve Alexandria’s Old and Historic District - Petition to Disapprove Proposed Development at 301 N. Fairfax
Contact the author of the petition
Thank You for Your Support - December 5 Planning & Zoning Commission Hearing
2023-11-28 21:35:07Friends of Historic Old Town Alexandria,
Thank you for your signature in support of the petition to protect and preserve Alexandria’s Historic District. The developer’s proposal for 301 N. Fairfax was shut down at three Board of Architectural Review hearings because, as we all know, the size, density, and design do not fit the OAHD. As important as it was to get this win related to the proposed building’s appropriateness – or lack of – for the Historic District, it was just the beginning.
The developer is now going before the city’s Planning and Zoning Commission on December 5 to request five Planning and Zoning exemptions related to size, density, the destruction of trees, and the elimination of open space. We will be there to oppose all these exemptions. (See below for more details.) If you are in Alexandria, please join us at this hearing. It is truly impactful for city officials to see citizens united for the protection and preservation of our Historic District.
You do not need to speak before the Commission – just being there is immensely helpful – but if you want to speak to oppose the exemptions, please arrive a few minutes early to fill out a speaker’s form.
Hearing Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Time: 7pm
Location: City Hall, 301 King Street, Council Chamber, Second Floor
Hope to see you there!
Old Town Neighbors
Exemptions and Special Use Permits Being Sought:
(1) Amendment to the Old Town Small Area Plan Chapter of the Master Plan through updates to the Land Use map to designate the property as Residential High
(2) Amendment to the official zoning map to change the zone for the site from CD/Commercial downtown zone to CRMU-H/Commercial residential mixed-use (high)
(3) Special Use Permit and Site Plan to construct a 48-unit multifamily building
(4) Special Use Permit to increase the floor area ratio from 1.25 to 2.5 in the CRMU-H zone
(5) Modification to the crown coverage requirement; zoned CD/Commercial downtown zone
Old Town Neighbors