Bradley's Law in NH
Contact the author of the petition
Victim impact statement!
2015-09-11 13:57:49This is from Bradleys parents: HOW HEART BREAKING. WHAT IF THIS HAPPENED TO YOU??????
This is the Victim Impact Statement that my cousin J. helped me write for court this was read along with giving the judge the pictures shown at the bottom as well... And still the judge preferred to save Freddy's life over Bradley's...
We are sick with anger and pain for our son this is not justice 2 1/2 years is not justice for our son its SICK!
Victim Impact Statement:
On July 5th 2012 our lives changed forever. We received the call that every parent dreads. Our son Bradley had been injured and was being rushed to the hospital. We learned that he had suffered a head trauma, resulting in traumatic brain injury, and was unconscious. Springfield hospital was unable to properly care for the degree of injury that our son had sustained, so he was airlifted to Dartmouth Hitchcock where he underwent emergency surgery.The surgery entailed removing a piece of his skull to relieve the pressure of a brain hemorrhage. Over the next week it was touch and go, and we were left with nothing more than the doctors saying we're doing the best we can to save Bradley’s life, but the reality was that he might not survive. During this time it was also brought to our attention that the extent of Bradley’s injuries were not consistent with the simple “accident” that Freddie Barth Jr. had described; a severe head trauma, a broken rib, old and new bruises all over his body, retinal hemorrhage in both eyes, suffering seizures and right side paralysis. It was clear that our son was lying in a hospital bed in a coma, not because of a simple accident but because of a malicious attack most likely brought on by a lost temper. This was child abuse. While Bradley was supposed to be in the care of his biological mother, he was nearly killed by her angry boyfriend. What was even more frustrating was that Freddie had not been arrested, he was out there. While we sat there faced with the possibility that Bradley might die, Freddie was free to live a normal life, free to work, free to have relationships, free to hurt other children. We were told to be patient, that justice would be served, that they were busy building a strong case to put this criminal away. So we pushed our fury down and waited, and to our relief Bradley woke up. He was paralyzed on his right side; he could no longer walk, talk, or eat solid food. He was strapped down to the bed because even small movement could pull all the tubes, wires, IV's out of his body. He couldn't even express basic needs, only cry. To watch our child go through this and not be able to comfort him because it’s unclear if he even recognized us or if he just saw us as two more scary faces in this nightmare, was devastating, but he was awake and we were grateful.In the following months Bradley had over 6 surgeries on his skull with multiple complications. Each time he went into surgery we were reminded that the risk of him not surviving another surgery was big. The state of fear that we lived in was constant. We were on the edge of losing our son everyday for months. We were helpless, and we could only hope that our son would survive and that no other family would have to experience something like this.Bradley had survived many surgeries, and procedures. A spinal tap, meningitis, a staph infection, subdural hematoma, and many complications with the five-pound pocket of fluid he had on the side of his head. Despite all of this he began showing signs of improvement. He had begun to move with intent and tried to speak, even through the right side paralysis he showed signs that he might make some type of recovery. He showed signs of recognizing us and other family members so with this the doctors thought he might be ready to attempt a rehab program.We were so hopeful that the program at Cedar Crest would help him regain everything he had lost and learn to adapt to remaining disabilities, but after only a few short weeks we discovered that Bradley was not receiving the care that he needed. Not only was he not being changed into clean clothes daily, but he was also being left in soiled diapers for an unacceptable amount of time. He was also not doing the doctor ordered therapy because the facility felt he was too much of a risk. He was not in a rehab he was in a play pin alone, not improving. They were leaving the helmet on him while he slept which was against doctors orders and because of the 24 hour use of the helmet, the fake flap they used to close Bradley’s skull detached under the pressure of the helmet and was free floating in the fluid of the hematoma. This caused his head to leak fluid like a faucet and he was brought to Dartmouth for yet another surgery.We had decided after this we wanted to take Bradley home to ensure that his basic needs were being met and his doctors agreed. Over the first few weeks we realized that he was going to require some degree of physical and emotional therapy for the rest of his life. Bradley started a program with Pathways, and while we watched him come a long way, the program was not nearly long enough. No program will ever be long enough. The things Bradley will struggle with will be things that need to be addressed for the rest of his life. He struggles with simple tasks like movement and learning. Most obvious at this point are the mood swings and emotional outburst that seemingly come from nowhere. His emotions are to the extreme. He is overly sad, overly happy, and overly angry. As parents coping with this it's incredibly difficult. Do you tell your child not to be so sad over something minor, do you tell him not to be so excited when he is happy? Do you discipline him when he lashed out even though you can clearly see he is not in control nor does he understand his emotions? The strain and struggles are not just Bradley’s to carry they are ours as his parents trying to decide what is best for our son and we question ourselves, every step of the way.Bradley has spent a huge amount of time with adults for therapy, procedures, and recovery; because of this he is socially awkward around children his own age. He is hesitant to interact with them; this has only been further complicated by the teasing that he endures from the other children about the visible scars, shunts, and tubes. His reaction to this is either extreme sadness or rage that the other children think he is weird and don't want to play with him. He has been limited to playing with relatives when he sees them because the playground is usually a disaster. For reasons like this we have not tried to put him in school yet out of fear that his emotions are currently unmanageable and to subject him to more teasing would only amplify his emotions. After Bradley’s last surgery we had a lot of questions for the doctor about what was realistic to expect in terms of physical restrictions. We were informed that he would never be permitted to play contact sports, what a thing to take from a small child. He will never know what it is like to play football with his friends, make the hockey team, join the wrestling team. Even things like roughhousing and sledding are too dangerous. The shunts will never be removed from his body, in fact as he gets older they could become clogged which means he would need more surgeries. He can’t wear his hair short without revealing giant scars and a lump at the front of his head, which is his shunt. Even now at such a young age he is embarrassed to take off his shirt because you can see the tubes that run from his skull over his collar bones and into his stomach plus surgical scars, these are things that other children readily point out and recognize as weird. Bradley still lacks full control of his right side, he can’t run normally, he jumps awkwardly, he can barely pedal a bike, he has a hard time throwing and kicking a ball. It is very frustrating for him to watch other children do these things with such ease when he cannot. Bradley will never be free from this, his struggles with simple things are obvious to anyone, but it’s the struggles that lie ahead that we worry about most. Being mentally delayed and emotionally unstable, restrictions from physical activities that he may want to be a part of, not fitting in. Bradley will live this everyday of his life for the rest of his life. Every friend he makes, any intimate relationship he may have, he will have to explain what these tubes, scars and shunts are all over him and why they are there. We worry for our son and how he will adapt, we worry if we will make the right choices for him, and we carry the anger that while we were told to be patient because they were building a strong case against Freddie, that a deal of four years or less was offered to a man that pled guilty to such a heinous crime. Through all of this we have waited and finally we are told that Freddie has pleaded guilty, but how simple, to admit guilt and never have to say out loud what you are guilty of. What exactly did he do to Bradley that day? Did he punch him, kick him, shake him, throw him? We see the result of whatever he did everyday. We don’t want an apology, we want a detailed account of what happened to our son and we want justice. Any person who admits guilt to such a crime should not be granted the ability to pursue happiness, when in so many ways that is what he has taken from our family. This man will be free to leave prison in four years or less and hide among the rest of us pretending to be a good person, and this whole incident will be just that, an incident that nobody remembers. Before Bradley's turns 9 we hope to be getting a handle on what Bradley’s true deficits are while Freddie will be getting out of prison to pursue his goals, a career, relationships, and nobody will ever know what a monster he is unless they run a background check or until he loses his temper again and hurts someone else's child. We have waited for the last three years, while Bradley fought for his life and we desperately tried to put our lives back together meanwhile Freddie was free with no consequence and able to continue on with his life. No amount of time in prison will ever be enough justice for Bradley or our family but we want our son to know that we fought for him and other children that may fall under the hand of this monster. It’s out of our control what justice looks like, but it’s your responsibility to make sure that Freddie Barth Jr., who so easily admitted guilt when he learned what little punishment he would face, doesn't walk free after perhaps less than four years and get to pretend like nothing happened.The deal that was offered to him is a tragedy and an insult to our family. Loopholes such a “deals” for obvious criminals when the state has nothing to gain in return is not a deal, it’s a complete failure of our justice system. You have the opportunity to make this criminal pay with the time he deserves which is most certainly more than four years. You have the chance to close such a disgusting loophole. And I wish that you would.
Jessicca Rodriguez
NO JUSTICE For Bradley!!!
2015-09-10 17:52:05Jessicca Rodriguez
NO JUSTICE For Bradley! :-(
2015-09-10 11:10:19We have some pretty sad news...After the judge hearing everything that happened to Bradley ...after the judge hearing about all the complications and countless surgery's bradley had to endure...and everything ect... Everyone in the court room was thinking 7-15 years in prision...after freddye's lawer talked for 5 minutes and let fred read a little 20 word thing saying sorry to bradley and his family for what he did...the judge LOWERED' the sentence that was already in place!!! Yup you read right!!! The 4 year deal freddy already agreed to serve was knocked down to 3 years, and with 150 days time served already which takes half a year off the sentence!! So fredrick barth, the child beating monster spends a little over 2 years in Concord NH Prison. The judge went on to say and I quote " I don't think a lengthy prision sentence will teach others not to act in this behavior..I think mr barth over re-acted and lashed out agressivly toward bradley and is very sorry for what he did" end of qoute!!!! I have once again lost faith in the justice system...bradley gets to live the rest of his life with problems and complications while freddie will be free in just 2 short years....we love you bradley!
Fredrick R Barth JR ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
Jessicca Rodriguez
Justice for Bradley!
2015-09-08 17:28:30Court date is tomarrow!
Jessicca Rodriguez
Bradley April 2015
2015-04-11 14:13:42Jessicca Rodriguez
Bradley in 2012, in the hospital! After his assault. u tube video! Grab your tissues!
2015-04-10 20:31:13Jessicca Rodriguez
Held without bail!
2015-04-10 17:26:58Ok so just heard that Fredrick R Barth jr's bail has been revoked as of april 8th, and he will be held at the correctional facility until his sentencing hearing in May! Thank god, not sure why there just now putting him behind bars..he should have been there 3 years ago!
Also big thanks to Kenny Johnson! He is an actor and played in Sons of anarchy, Dexter ect...thank you so much for taking a minute out of your day to sign the petition! We are around 1200 signatures at the moment! That is awesome for 3 days give or take! Thank you everyone for sharing, signing and caring enough to support not only Bradley, but all of thr other children out there that are going through or will be going through what Bradley had to endure!
Jessicca Rodriguez
Bradley's Law in a nutshell!
2015-04-09 12:45:28So right now in the State of NH, first degree assault has a maximum sentance of 15 years.
Bradley's Law would make the minimum sentance 15 years.
Jessicca Rodriguez
Why Bradley's Law is important!
2015-04-09 11:46:07Frederick will go infront of judge in May. Hopefully the judge Will not except his guilty plea and the DA's deal of 4 years with cap. And order Freddrick to go to trial infront of a jury. Bradley's parents will get to read a victim's letter infront of judge.
P.s. Because of laws in NH, this is all legal. And it saves the State money to hand out deals.This is why Bradley's law is so important!
Jessicca Rodriguez
Bradley's battle to recovery!
2015-04-08 13:51:11Happier times today!
Jessicca Rodriguez