Demand for Immediate Resignation of Secretary Hans Lesmana, Treasurer Francisca Siow, and Jing Hong Li from Strata Committee

We, the undersigned owners and residents of SP 54026 demand the immediate resignation of Secretary Hans Lesmana, Treasurer Francisca Siow, and Jing Hong LI from their positions within the Strata Committee (SC). 


Some potential sections that could have been breached include: 

Section 35 - Duties of Office Bearers: This section outlines the duties and responsibilities of office bearers, including the duty to act honestly and in good faith in the best interests of the owners corporation. The failure to inform owners and other committee members about significant decisions or actions may contravene this duty. 

Section 39 - Meetings of the Strata Committee: This section sets out requirements for the conduct of strata committee meetings, including provisions for notice and quorum. If decisions were made without proper consultation or in contravention of meeting procedures, it could constitute a breach of this section. 

Section 36 - Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest: If any of the office bearers had conflicts of interest related to the decisions made, they may have breached the obligation to disclose such conflicts under this section. 

Section 80 - Misleading Statements: If there is evidence that votes at the last AGM were manipulated or that misleading statements were made to owners, it could potentially constitute a breach of this section, which prohibits making false or misleading statements in relation to strata matters.

Section 80A - Offences by Office Bearers: This section outlines various offenses that can be committed by office bearers, including acting dishonestly, improperly using their position for personal gain, or failing to exercise due diligence in carrying out their duties. 


 Our demand for their resignation stems from the following grievances:

Unilateral Application to NCAT: Secretary Hans Lesmana,  and Jing Hong  (with the aid of the Chairperson John Griffith who has now resigned) initiated an application to NCAT without the knowledge and approval or consent of the Strata Committee or owners. This action bypassed proper procedures and demonstrates a blatant disregard for democratic decision-making within the SC. 

Lack of Transparency: The decision to negotiate with PSMG Strata, a company of questionable reputation, was made without informing the owners or seeking their input. This lack of transparency and accountability undermines the trust of owners and jeopardises the best interests of the Strata Corporation. 


We believe that the actions of Secretary Hans Lesmana and Jing Hong inclusive of Treasurer Francisca Siow who has not presented a proper BUDGET for the past 2 years and has not been transparent with the owners financials have compromised the integrity of the Strata Committee and have failed to uphold their fiduciary duties to the owners. Therefore, we demand their immediate resignation from the Strata Committee to restore accountability, transparency, and trust within our community. Thank you for your attention to this matter and please sign if you agree with this course of action.

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