Ban These Accounts From Tiktok

These women are harrasing and attempting to bully me. 



I have asked them to stop. I have something unexplainable happening in my home. On top of defaming me txvixon88 badgers me daily by streaming my live after being blocked and talking about me on her channel. Because she has done so much it is now aggravated, I ask that she be banned as well as the other woman who is joining her live as a guest.

While _toastghouldes_ has done a lot, txvixon88 is actively streaming to this day. She has the audacity in the middle of me experiencing unexplainable activity to ask that I be removed from social media when I have never asked the viewers for any money or anything that would justify that.


I may ask for them to be removed from other channels, depending on if they are behaving in this way on the platforms. Such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. 

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