Turks & Caicos Citizens Petition Against Colonial Abuse  

The Turks and Caicos Islands, is a Non-Self-Governing Overseas Territory of United Kingdom.  The United Kingdom as the Administering Power, is charged under United Nations Charter Article 73 with assuring the advancement of the Turks and Caicos toward political, economic, social and educational  development, assuring that the ‘indigenous’ populations are not overrun or displaced and preparing the Turks and Caicos Islands for self-determination. In the discharge of its responsibilities, the United Kingdom’s Government through its Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) appoints a governor.  The governor’s emoluments are paid for by the Citizens of Turks and Caicos.  The governor is not answerable to the citizens of the Turks and Caicos for any deficiency in the discharge of his duties.  The Citizens of Turks and Caicos are not permitted any input into the selection of a governor.

The current governor, with impunity has made decisions that are not in accordance with the furtherance of responsibilities of an Administering Power toward a Non-Self-Governing Territory, as prescribed in UN Charter Article 73. The current governor has failed to discharge responsibilities of the office of the governor as laid out in the Constitution of the Turks and Caicos Islands; evidenced by the increasing number of illegal sloop landings, the burgeoning numbers of illegal immigrants living and working in the Turks and Caicos Islands and the breakdown in effective policing.  

The current governor has made an appointment to the House of Assembly, a character identified in the SIPT charges as making ‘unlawful corrupt payments or other rewards’ to Ministers of Government with the objective of subverting the laws of the Turks and Caicos Islands   Hence, we, Citizens of Turks & Caicos, hereby petition as follows

1.    The immediate recall and removal of Mr. Nigel Dakin of Birmingham, England, as the unilaterally British-appointed governor of our island nation of Turks & Caicos.

a.)  A comprehensive review of all decisions implemented by this governor during his current tenure in office, a reversal any such decisions that are injurious to the Turks and Caicos Islands and compensation for any such injury suffered.

2.]      All future governors appointed to the Turks and Caicos, should be so done with the advice and consent, of the elected representatives of the People of the Turks and Caicos Islands.  All costs of such governor should be borne by the FCO, not the Treasury of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

3.]      An immediate return of oversight of Turks & Caicos and its Peoples’ lands from the Attorney General’s Office back to the People of the Turks and Caicos via a Land Management Bureau.

4.]      An immediate adjustment in voter qualifications to allow and facilitate Turks & Caicos citizens, not at home, the ability to vote by Absentee Balloting, in a manner similar to that enjoyed by UK citizens worldwide.

5.]      A full accounting of revenue generated from aviation activity, as it relates to ‘overflights’, within the territorial limits of Turks & Caicos.  A full remittance of the revenue generated from ‘overflights’, to their rightful owners – the Peoples of Turks & Caicos.

6.]      A full accounting and analysis of the socio-economic and financial costs, incurred by Turks & Caicos related to unchecked illegal migration, resulting from UK appointed governor’s negligence in border protection for the last 3 decades. A reimbursement of all such costs incurred, to the Turks and Caicos Islands is requested.

7.]      A full reimbursement of all costs incurred in the discharge of the SIPT activities from inception to current. The contributory negligence of the then presiding governor facilitated the activities resulting in the Commission of Inquiry of 2008/2009, the related SIPT activities and trial of the past 12 years. The above are some of the long-running abuses suffered by Turks & Caicos in its centuries old ‘abusive relationship’ with the Administrative Power, that is, the UK.  This current Governor, Nigel Dakin, has triggered in Turks & Caicos a stark reveal of these long-standing abuses, although that, in all likelihood, was not his intent. The Turks & Caicos Peoples, and certain of its NGO bodies require that the UK, its Parliament, and its Foreign & Commonwealth Office act on these requests by August 1, 2021, so that our nation of Turks & Caicos can realize ‘good governance’, and the best possible path towards progress and development.

 This petition is a collaboration between Turks & Caicos Forum (TC Forum) and active civic groups in the Turks & Caicos

© Copyright TC Forum March 2021.


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