
Lets CHANGE the FUTURE for our KIDS - say no to 18 and push for the Federal Government to lift the legal drinking age to 21!

I am a mother of 2 young boys, aunty to 5 young men and one beautiful niece and friend of many with children. There is currently a lot of public discussion about alcohol fueled violence, anti social behaviour, binge drinking, youth depression and suicide, yet we continue to yet our children drink alcohol before they are mature physically and emotionally. 18 is not mature and the 'human brain is still developing'.

Ironically a TV campaign that is a joint initiative of the WA Government Drug and Alcohol Office, the McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth and the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, with support from Healthwayadvertisement on TV states this fact but says its STILL OK to drink at 18!! Although this is a positive much needed campaign - we need to go one step further.


Lets LIFT the BAR and set new standards! Many countries around the world don't allow their youth to drink legally before they are 21 - let's join them!

We give our kids the keys to the car then within months the key to the bar!!

Change Australia's drinking culture for our young children now! By the time they are 18 they won't expect to be able to drink.

Alcohol  worsens depression. Our suicide rate is alarming. Take alcohol out of the picture while our youth study at university, complete their trades, work out who they are and where they want to go with their careers and life choices.

Parents, educators, health advocates, concerned citizens PLEASE support this petition so we can present it to our politicians and pressure the government to make the change;

LEGAL DRINKING AGE IN AUSTRALIA by 2016 to be raised to 21years of age!