1-1 Teaching assistants to be paid more

After 15 years of working in a school that is Ofsted deemed outstanding,I find it outrageous that the 1-1 support team are paid less than class teaching assistants! A lot of  1-1 staff have had to deal with being punched/kicked/spat on and so much more abusive behaviour,yet are paid the bare minimum! Teaching assistants throughout the UK are poorly paid,and Teachers are reliant on these staff members to ensure the day to running of a class is met academically and professionally . Most 1-1 assistants are made to take SEN children out of the class to ensure teaching can be lead without disruption, And teachers/head of years etc don't see alot of the abuse that is having to be dealt with.

I want the government/education department to realise the hard work and professionalism that 1-1 staff give and to absolutely put the staff on a pay scale that is not of that of a minimum wage school leaver !

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