We DO SUPPORT keeping the Winged Lion on Prague - Klarov!

Dear madam, dear sir, let us describe our simple idea:
Jsme PRO ZACHOVÁNÍ Okřídleného lva, památníku čs. letců RAF, na pražském Klárově!
We DO SUPPORT keeping the Winged Lion on Prague - Klarov!
With this petition we want to express our high esteem of the Czechoslovak men and women who served in the RAF during WW2 for the liberation of Czechoslovakia. These are our national heroes and are are remembered with this monument.
We believe that the memorials current location at Klarov is a dignified and appropriate location for the remembrance of these airmen and it should not be changed.

We appeal to the Prague authorities responsible for this monument to respect the opinions of all the signatories and consider their comments to ensure that the monument remains at Klarov.

Please, support our common belief with your signature. Thank you very much.
Best regards
Civic association Czech Spitfire Club - "We don't forget", www.czechspitfireclub.cz


Complete information and description done by our friends in English:

Free Czechoslovak Air Force - Keep the Winged Lion At Klarov!

Josef 'Joe' Vochyán    Contact the author of the petition