TD hopefuls! What Fermoy needs

Fermoy is choked with traffic and this affects the quality of life in the town in many regards.

We, the undersigned residents of this constituency, ask of the candidates of Cork East that:

1.) The contract for the toll around Fermoy be terminated as soon as possible. This may require a buy out of the current contract with the toll operator. At a minimum, we demand that the toll contract not be renewed when it expires in 2030. 


2.) Our incoming TDs seek and implement the connection to the bypass from the Waterford road east of Fermoy, as was designed into the bypass originally (and for which the land is set aside). 

3.) Our incoming representatives would support and deliver a pedestrian bridge over the Blackwater between Rathealy Road and Mill island. This bridge would significantly improve access to services, shops and schools for the large residential community north of the river. It would overall reduce traffic volumes for everyone. It would provide a recreational asset (attractive walkway) focused on the beautiful Blackwater. 

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